#microblogmondays Why did the chicken cross the road?


June 22, 2015 by positivelypeachie

I don’t care – as long as they’re out of my house!!

The chicks have finally upgraded from their brooder in the laundry room – to their coop outside!! (Hallelujah!) I love the little featheries but, seriously, they were driving me nuts. Firstly – Butterscotch-the-cow has confirmed his rooster-hood by learning to crow (well, more like the 13 year old boy with a voice that cracks between low and high version). In my laundry room. At the crack of dawn. Every.single.day. Oh hhhheeellllllllll no.

Secondly, chickens stink because they poop 99.9% of their breathing hours (they even poop in their sleep) and there was nothing I could do to keep up with it because the bigger they get, the MORE they poop (in my laundry room, what should be the cleanest room of the entire house).

Thirdly, they’re BIG! They kept breaking free of their brooder and spreading poop all over my laundry room, and I only ever knew because Butterscotch-the-cow lets out a huge crow of success every time he manages to free them – so when I hear it at random times, I know what it means.

They’re still cute, and fun, and full of personality – but now they’re cute, and fun and full of personality outside…where they belong. Ahh, the bliss of a chicken free house.


The outside…this pic doesn’t do it justice, it’s massive for 6 little chicks. 8 ft long x 4.5 ft tall x 3 ft wide. I have a lovely blue paint colour that we will paint it this weekend.


I know this is blurry but it shows the right side of the coop – the black PVC pipe is a homemade feeder, and the ladder in the middle is a roosting ladder. I need more sawdust…apparently a giant bag was not enough for this huge coop.


Happy chickies! They can’t quite get over the space or the freedom or the sounds. It’ll take them a while to warm up to it – this morning they were all spread out and exploring. Again, I need more sawdust. Apparently a giant bag was not enough for this coop! The big white guy is the offending rooster who cock-a-doodle-dooed his way outside.

See Mel’s inaugural post for more info!! 

2 thoughts on “#microblogmondays Why did the chicken cross the road?

  1. Mel says:

    Cracking up because we just went through this with my sister. We were in the house when the chickens were still inside. Such a stench. But they’re now outside and happy. Actually, everyone is happy 🙂 Congratulations on your chicken milestone.


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